what is the difference between health disparities and health inequities?


AspectHealth DisparitiesHealth Inequities
DefinitionDifferences in health outcomes or access toSystematic and unfair differences in
healthcare services among differenthealth outcomes or access to healthcare
populations, often based on social,services that are avoidable, unjust, and
economic, or demographic factors.related to social injustices.
CausesCan result from various factors, includingPrimarily arise from structural, systemic,
genetics, lifestyle choices, and healthcareor policy-related factors that create and
access.perpetuate disparities.
NatureMay be unavoidable and related toAre avoidable and result from systemic
inherent differences in populations, suchbiases, discrimination, and unequal
as age or genetics.distribution of resources and
ExamplesDifferences in cancer rates among racialLower life expectancy, limited access to
groups, due to genetic factors, representquality healthcare, and higher rates of
health disparities.chronic diseases among marginalized
communities are examples of health
AddressingEfforts may focus on reducing disparitiesRequires addressing root causes such as
through targeted healthcare interventionssystemic discrimination, unequal access
and education.to resources, and social determinants of
health to achieve equity.
GoalReducing differences in health outcomesAchieving fairness and justice in
among populations.healthcare and health outcomes for all.

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